Guang Dong Sunli Intelligent Logistics Equipment Co;Ltd
Contact: Mr. Du / miss Shaw
mobiles:136 0028 2227
address:Tangxia Village Industrial Zone, Gaobu Town, Dongguan, Guangdong
Automated Logistics System are data&calculation-based and designed for automation, paperless and labour-cost reduction.
WCS software bridges the gap between corporate software applications of WMS and PLC system. Key capabilities of WCS software includes: it carries our insructions of host computers WMS and PLC machines handling movements;it provides elaborate statistical and diagnostic graphics and reports based on run-time movements.
WCS Monitoring
Full Screen and part Screen-Based Interfaces
Run-Time Display
Colours Indicating Various Instructions
Technical Difinations
Resetting Interfaces
Writing Amended Dats Into PLC
Data Initialization
Manual Control
Start-Stop;Restoration Data Clearing
Data Initialization
Order Management
Barcod Scanning by PLC
Report Feedback to WMS, vice versa
PLC Machine Movements
Recieving Statistical Information of PLC
System Log
Task Report:
Equipments, Task No. Barcode Infomation, Routing,
Task-Starting Time Task-Finished Time
System Log:
Equipment Type, Bug Code, Bug Descriptions,
Bug Level, Bug Time
Handling Report
Intructions, Equipment No., Results, Time, Operator.
Advantages of Sunli WCS
PC-Based system to handle all physical movements of warehouse
equipments while reducing costs and improving productivity.